Sister Kelley Rush

“People might be surprised to know that I was in the middle of a sporting event – actually on the field and ready to score – when I became keenly aware that God was calling me to something more than myself, the beginning of a new reality that something significant was happening within me, something way beyond anything I could have ever imagined!
I knew this in a more profound experiential way the first time I encountered the Sisters of Notre Dame while volunteering at the Blessing House, a home for children in crisis situations. For I had a deep experience of the abiding presence of God while interacting with the sisters and children throughout the entire week which continued an ever-increasing deepening of the transformation of my life and call to love more deeply as a religious sister.”
Sister Marie Christine Cervi

To be honest, I had no clue that God was even a part of my life, let alone calling me to religious life, until I was in high school. My first encounter with the God who cared about me and my “little” life came junior year. Before that I figured I was just one unknown entity in the mass of humanity that God loved. My relationship with God began when I felt hurt because two friends talked freely in my presence about an upcoming TEC Retreat they excitedly anticipated without a clue that I felt left out and uninvited. One night after a phone conversation, I dejectedly flopped onto my bed and said, “God you handle this.” That was the first time I really ever talked to God about something that was hurting me or really important to me. After that I felt God was closer than I realized. At my own TEC Retreat I began to get to know him better.
My senior year I sent a Christmas card to one of my teachers, a Sister, and asked if I could meet with her sometime to talk about religious life and my future. I was so bold but I wanted to learn more because I knew absolutely nothing about Sisters. As a yearbook photographer I used to get a pass to leave class to take pictures, but instead I met with Sister. After that, I realized that my desire for a close relationship with God could be fulfilled as a religious sister.
By spring I got up the courage to tell my parents, but they didn’t think I was serious. They told me that I’d forget about it once I went to college and if after four years of college I still felt like I wanted to be a Sister then I could pursue it. Well, I went to college for a year, turned 19, and decided that if I didn’t try religious life I would never know for sure if it was right for me. I told my parents I was going to enter the community that summer. I figured I would give it a try, knowing I could always leave if it wasn’t a good fit for me. About a month after I had entered, my parents saw that I was happy and then became the greatest fans of the Sisters!
Sister Mary Judine Lambert

“I am filled with awe and joy that God has brought me to this day. A little over ten years ago, I was not even thinking about religious life. But then God got my attention, and in doing so, began to draw me irresistibly toward himself. He led me down paths that seemed impossible, paths I’d never otherwise chosen. With each new challenge, he unfolded more of his will for me. With each encounter, I was changed and my relationship with him deepened. Making my final vows, which did not even occur to me years ago, became the deepest desire of my heart and the natural expression of my love for God. He provided much help along the way.
I am so grateful for the prayers and support of my sisters and family throughout this journey to find God’s will for my life. I am so grateful for his invitation to follow him through life with this congregation. And, I am thrilled and honored to join with the Sisters of Notre Dame, and all the ways we witness to God’s love and provident care of the poor and marginalized throughout the world. God keeps his promises and with him all things are possible.”
Curious about religious life and Catholic Sisters? Explore these resources:
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An Episode of Created & Called Podcast that may help you on your journey:
Featuring Sr. Kelley Rush, SND
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Many of our sisters are active online and maintain blogs about ministry and different aspects of our Catholic faith and spirituality. We invite you to check them out: