Prayer Resources

With You On the Journey

Whether you are being called to the religious life or are interested in deepening your spirituality in another way, these prayer resources can enrich your discernment.

Whenever you are prayerfully led to take a step toward learning more about consecrated life, we’re here for you. We welcome vocation discerners at any time of the year for a visit. Join us for anything from evening prayer and fellowship, to a Come + Be weekend, to longer convent stays. To learn how to experience our work and prayer, contact the Vocation Director nearest you to start the conversation.



We recommend that you spend some time reflecting on Scripture, starting with
1 Sam.3:1-10

Notice how Samuel shares his experience with Eli. Notice how Eli directs Samuel to listen to God.

The psalms are prayer poems in which the psalmist pours out his/her heart, with its desires and feelings. Slowly read one or more of the following psalms. Notice what the psalmist shares with God.

Praise and thanksgiving: Ps. 11192

Waiting: Ps. 130

Trust: Ps. 91131

In times of worry, loneliness,
doubt and fear:
Ps. 3773622623

Asking for healing or guidance:
Ps.6, Ps. 27114; Ps. 32:8

God is always near: Ps. 139

We encourage you to keep a journal of your reflections. You may be moved to create your own prayer poem based on your desires and feelings.

Contemplative presence, for us as for our co-foundress Sister Mary Aloysia, involves a deep listening to God and to life, yielding a readiness to step in and do whatever is needed. Hers was a down-to-earth mysticism, grounded in the concrete realities of daily living, illumined by prayerfulness.

Discernment Prayer

Laudate Prayer App (iTunes)

Laudate Prayer App (Play Store)

Lectio Divina

Prayer of Fr. Thomas Merton

Prayer for Guidance

Prayer of St. Ignatius

5 Ways to Better Prayer

User’s Guide on Ways to Pray

Make a Prayer Request

More Resources

We invite you to check out these resources, which include some of our favorite discernment reflections, articles, and blogs.

I hope that you come to find that which gives life a deep meaning for you. Something worth living for – maybe even worth dying for, something that energize you, enthuses you, enables you to keep moving ahead. I can’t tell you what it might be – that’s for you to find, to choose, to love. I can just encourage you to start looking and support you in the search.

Ita Ford, M.M.

Sr. Ita was murdered on December 2, 1980 by the El Salvador National Guard while serving as a missionary.

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