Who We Are

Centered in Jesus Christ, united as a community in his love and in the spirit of Mary, we share a life of faith and joyful simplicity, ready to take up our cross daily in love.

Our Mission

Missioned by the Church, we take part in her work of evangelization. In our common mission, we devote ourselves to our apostolic ministries as a way of leading people to the fullness of human and spiritual development. As an apostolic community, we participate in the life of the local Church and use the diversity of graces and gifts given us for the building up of the reign of God.

(Article 66 of the Sisters of Notre Dame Constitutions)

Meet The Sisters

What inspired the decision to become a Sister? We are called from all walks of life at various times of our life, from different careers, cultures and collective experiences. But together we share the same passion for a deeper meaning and purpose to our lives.

In considering religious life, you join many faith-filled women who have gone before you on this journey. The path starts by discerning a call, and continues with exploration of community life and ministry in Christ. The Sisters of Notre Dame are here to meet you and support you no matter where you are in the journey, and to help you envision what is possible for your life through Christ’s love.

Contact Us anytime to learn more about the stories that make us each unique, while unifying us all. 

Our Life in Community

The Sisters of Notre Dame are apostolic religious women. This means that we profess vows of chastity, poverty and obedience and commit ourselves to a life of service to God’s people, especially to those who are poor.

We do this in order to make visible God’s goodness and provident care in our world. Our life is grounded in prayer that is both communal and personal, and in our commitment to support each as we share our lives in community.

"As I develop myself and my relationship with God, I have 600 role models and supporters to look to for guidance and encouragement."

Sister Nicole Marie Varnerin, Sister of Notre Dame

News & Notes