Join Us

Join with many faith-filled women who have gone before you on this journey. It begins with an awakening to a call, followed by prayer, exploration and discernment. It continues with the sense that the Sisters of Notre Dame are a good fit for you.

Answering God's call

Sister Kaitlin Morse felt a calling to religious life while ministering to her patients as a nurse; she discusses the process of becoming a Sister of Notre Dame in her 20s.

Application Process

If your discernment leads you to the Sisters of Notre Dame, then an application process begins. If you keep your heart open to God through prayer, and get clarification from the Vocation Director for any questions or concerns that may arise during the process, you will find yourself ready to begin the application phase of your vocation discernment journey.

The Formation Process

A decision to invite you to begin formation comes as a result of the congregation’s desire to listen to God with you. Now you begin the steps of initial formation on the journey of becoming a Sister of Notre Dame. We have mapped out this process for those who wish to learn more.

Prayer Resources

Whether reflection, prayer, or more – we invite you to share in our resources.


Got Questions? Our FAQ page has great answers to many of the questions you may have.