Process of Discernment

Awaken to a Call

Awakening sometimes begins with a recurring question: “Is there something more?” Perhaps you feel a tug toward God that you sense but don’t completely understand. Take note of the desires, feelings and experiences of consolation and desolation that arise when considering a vocation to religious life.

Watch this video to hear a few reflections on the call from current Sisters of Notre Dame.

Pay Attention

As your discernment journey continues you will have the opportunity, along with your director, to prayerfully ponder the inner movements of your heart as you consider a religious vocation.

If you aren’t already making notes of what you are experiencing, begin a journal and reflect upon what movements you notice throughout this time.

Get to Know Us

Conversations with community members, visits to community houses, “Come and See” or “Come and Be” events, service programs, and live-in opportunities can provide rich experiences of daily life with the Sisters of Notre Dame.

Click here to watch a video about the live-in experiences of a few of our Sisters of Notre Dame. Read through our FAQs. And we warmly welcome you to come to any of our upcoming events to meet us in person.

Stay connected to what’s happening in each region of the Sisters of Notre Dame in the United States by visiting our regional page on the SND USA Website.

Find a Spiritual Director

Once you sense God’s call, seek out someone you can trust with your story,  such as a Spiritual Director or Vocation Director.

Religious communities, retreat centers, or Diocesan Vocation Directors may be able to help you find a Spiritual Director. Contact us and we will prayerfully guide you through this important step.

Take Stock

Discerning a vocation is also a time for you to take stock of your gifts and talents, strengths and weaknesses.

Be heartened to know that your unique individuality of purpose and potential is what will help support activities, projects and services that use your strengths and talents to creatively respond to those who need us most.

Consider any of these recommended Prayer Resources as support along your journey.

Imagine Being a Sister

The answers to your questions will come, but not necessarily all at once. Sometimes we have to risk stepping out in faith. Dare to live according to the Spirit’s guidance. God’s abundant love will be with you.

Whenever you are ready to respond to God’s call, we are ready to journey with you each step of the way.

Application Process

If your discernment leads you to the Sisters of Notre Dame, then an application process begins. If you keep your heart open to God through prayer, and get clarification from the Vocation Director for any questions or concerns that may arise during the process, you will find yourself ready to begin the application phase of your vocation discernment journey.

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