Sister Jenny Zimmerman, SND
Vocation Director,
Certified Spiritual Director
Based in: Toledo, OH
I grew up in Defiance, OH and completed my undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, with a concentration in Athletic Training. Since entering the Sisters of Notre Dame in 2004, I was called to complete a Master of Theology degree and certification in the Art of Spiritual Direction. I graduated with a Master of Theology degree from Lourdes University in Sylvania, Ohio and have completed my certification in the Art of Spiritual Direction from Loyola Marymount University and the Loyola Institute of Spirituality in Orange, California.
As a Sister of Notre Dame, I have served in a variety of ministries, including as a hospital chaplain, campus minister at high school and university levels, theology teacher, and strength and conditioning coach. In my current role of Vocation Director, I enjoy leading retreats, guiding young adults with spiritual mentorship, and walking with others in their joys and struggles of the faith journey.
One of the scripture quotes that I live by is: Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Sister Kelley Rush, SND
Assistant Vocation Director,
Certified Spiritual Director
Based in: Cleveland, OH
Before entering religious life in 2009 I earned a BA in Social Work becoming a Licensed Social Worker and a MA in Education teaching students with behavior/emotional concerns and coaching basketball/softball.
People might be surprised to know that I was in the middle of a sporting event – actually on the field and ready to score – when I became keenly aware that God was calling me to something more than myself. Something significant was happening within me, something more than I could have ever imagined!
This ‘more’ intensified the first time I encountered the Sisters of Notre Dame while volunteering at the Blessing House. I experienced the abiding presence of God throughout the entire week which grew into a call to love more deeply as a religious sister.
In 2017, I made my Profession of Perpetual Vows as a Sister of Notre Dame! Currently, I am earning a MA in Theology from the University of Notre Dame and ministering as vocation director for the Sisters of Notre Dame, spiritual director and retreat director. I find great joy in walking with young adults on their sacred journey helping them probe the mystery of God in their lives.
One of my favorite scripture quotes that I live by is: “I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20.
Sister Ruth Lubbers, SND
Assistant Vocation Director,
Certified Spiritual Director
Based in: Covington, KY
I serve on the Vocations Team and as a spiritual director and am based in Covington, Kentucky. I have served as an elementary teacher and administrator.
In reflecting on my younger years, I was so caught up with doing things right. I needed to appear good. As time went on, I came to realize I was missing so much of what God was doing and wanted to do in my life. I needed to look differently at my life to recognize the many ways God was lovingly present. I always wanted to be a loving presence for others. I
began to see how the two fit together – allowing God to be lovingly present and my, in turn, being that presence for others. I have been blessed with insightful and caring spiritual companions over the years who have helped me to grow.
In my current ministries, I have continued to be and to help uncover the presence of God in Christ through spiritual companioning – walking with another in discovering God’s voice, footprints, and promptings. It is a humbling and holy endeavor to listen with another as to where God is present and is calling – not to do it right but to be fully alive in God’s love.
One of my favorite scripture quotes that I live by is: “God, make your ways known to me. Teach me your paths.” Psalm 25: 4
Sister Val Roxburgh, SND
Assistant Vocation Director
Based in: Toledo, OH
I am a native of Southern California and grew up in San Diego. Prior to entering the Sisters of Notre Dame in 2003, my career path was office management. Aside from these positions, I also taught ballet part-time. I made my perpetual profession of vows in 2012.
My current ministry is as Vocation Director in California doing young adult outreach throughout the region. I also serve my Sisters on our Leadership Team. I have a Bachelor’s in Religious Studies from Mount St. Mary’s University in Los Angeles and recently completed an 18-month leadership development program.
Coming from the business world to religious life was a huge life change for me, but I am very grateful to God for my vocation call. As Sisters of Notre Dame, we embrace God’s goodness and provident care and we strive to bring hope within a diverse society. I love my community and I love being a Sister of Notre Dame.
I live my life according to Matthew 28:20 where Jesus says, “I am with you always.”